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8x8 Mini Characters created with PICO-8 palette.

Simple the idea is 


  • 0,1  = IDLE
  • 2,3,4 = WALK
  • 5=JUMP
  • 6=FALL
  • 7=DASH

Note: You may need Aseprite to edit the 8x8-mini-characters.aseprite


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$2.00 $0.30 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $0.30 USD. You will get access to the following files: 3.5 kB


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what happens if someone downloads the prewiew?

Nothing happens but seriously for $0.49 USD, you should rethink, each work takes time to do even if it seems simple.

in my country 0.49 usd is 8 tl (the money thingy turkey uses)

Does this only come with Aseprite files, or does it include PNGs and other formats? I don't have Asrprite.

(1 edit)

Aseprite and PNG are included. in case you don't have Aseprite you can use!/ it's almost the same but Open Source

aseprite is free and open source, they have said that they you dont pay for the software, you pay for the time and knowledge to compile it. You can find tutorials to compile aseprite youre self (for free, you just need to download the right software to compile it). plus you can find multiple pre compiled versions by people who did it and posted it for others but granted thats abit risky but what I did :D. You can use the libresprite if you like, i just wanted to correct the idea that most have that aseprite costs money to get, which is partly true, and that people compare others with but "open source" when both are (

as a final bit of info, on aseprite's faq they say something similar to what I remeber hearing (and what i base the cost off of), and though I dont know where I learn it, ill quote Aseprite hear for refrence

"Aseprite started being open source since its very beginning in 2001, and we were happy with that until August 2016. Now you can still download its source code, compile it, and use it for your personal purposes. You can make commercial art/assets with it too. The only restriction in Aseprite EULA is that you cannot redistribute Aseprite to third parties." - Aseprite's Faq []

Sorry if this came across as me being an a__ hole, im autistic and my intention is just to educate, not mansplain (i think thats how you use that word)