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Uli Tile Tool

Imagine a grid like a pattern of squares or cubes that you can see in the Unity editor. This grid helps you organize and position things more easily. The Uli Tilemaps Grid script is like a tool that makes working with this grid simpler.

Key Settings:

  • Grid Size: Think of it as the number of squares on each side of the grid.
  • Cube Size: This is how big each square or cube in the grid is.
  • Snapping: It's like a magnet that helps things stick to the grid. You can turn it on or off.
  • Grid Color: You can choose the color of the lines in the grid.

Drawing the Grid:

  • You can visualize the grid in the scene view by pressing a button. It helps you see how everything is laid out.

Moving the Grid:

  • You can move the grid up or down in the editor to make things fit better.


  • There's a palette where you can choose different types of squares or cubes to place on the grid. This makes it easy to create your scenes.

Snapping Objects:

  • When you place objects in the scene, they can automatically snap to the grid. It keeps things neat and organized.

Making Things Easier:

  • The Uli Tilemaps Grid makes working in Unity simpler. It's like having a handy grid that helps you design and build things more precisely.

So, in a nutshell, the Uli Tilemaps Grid is like a friendly assistant that helps you arrange and organize your game elements in Unity using a neat grid. It makes designing and building in Unity more straightforward and visually appealing.

Uli FBX to Prefabs

This script is a Unity Editor tool that allows users to import FBX models and convert them into Prefabs within the Unity Editor. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how a user can utilize this tool:

  1. Accessing the Tool:
    • The script provides a custom menu item under "Tools/Uli Tilemaps/2 - FBX 2 Prefab."
    • Users can access this tool by clicking on the menu and selecting "Uli FBX To Prefab."
  2. User Interface:
    • After opening the tool, a window appears with various options.
    • Users are presented with fields to input source and destination folders. These folders help organize the FBX models and resulting Prefabs.
    • Users can click the "Select" buttons next to the source and destination folders to choose the respective folders.
  3. Note on FBX Models:
    • There's a note stating that only FBX models with 1 mesh, 1 material, and 1 texture are currently supported.
  4. Box Collider and UliTile Script:
    • Users can choose whether to include a Box Collider in the Prefab by clicking "Yes" or "No."
    • Similarly, users can choose to add a custom script (UliTile) to the Prefab.
  5. Importing FBX Models:
    • Below the settings, users see a list of FBX model names found in the selected source folder.
    • Users can scroll through this list.
  6. Import Button:
    • At the bottom, there's a button labeled "Import FBX To Prefab."
    • Clicking this button initiates the import process.
  7. Import Process:
    • The script organizes the assets into folders such as Models, Materials, Meshes, Textures, and Prefabs within the specified destination folder.
    • For each FBX model in the source folder:
      • The script copies the FBX file to the Models folder.
      • It creates a GameObject from the FBX model and extracts its components (Renderer, Mesh Filter, etc.).
      • Materials and textures are saved to the Materials and Textures folders.
      • Optionally, a Box Collider is added to the child object within the Prefab.
      • Optionally, the UliTile script is added to the parent Prefab.
      • The Prefab is saved to the Prefabs folder.
  8. Result Notification:
    • After the import process, a dialog appears, indicating whether the import was successful.
  9. Error Handling:
    • If an error occurs during the import process (e.g., folders cannot be created), error messages are logged.
  10. Additional Features:
  • The script provides additional functionalities, such as creating folders, converting absolute paths to relative paths, and more.

To use the tool:

  • Open the tool window.
  • Choose source and destination folders.
  • Optionally, enable Box Collider and UliTile script.
  • Click "Import FBX To Prefab."

This script simplifies the process of importing FBX models into Unity, creating Prefabs, and organizing assets efficiently.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

UliTilemaps v 1.0.0.zip 125 kB
UliTilemaps v 1.0.0.unitypackage 125 kB

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